Guest Rating: Casa Ortensia Primo Ferienwohnung Acquaseria, Comer See

Your opinion about your holiday accommodation (Note des clients 405)

We place great value on your judgement. How did you like your holiday?
We would appreciate if you answered a few questions.
Simply judge by grading 1 (poor) to 5 (recommended).

Accommodation name: Ortensia Primo
Guest: Ehrle Helmut
Period of booking: 2015-05-30 - 2015-06-06
How do you rate the position of the house? New New New New gray New gray
What is your rating of the tidiness in general? New New New New New
How did you like the furnishing in general and the overall impression? New New New New New gray
What is your rating of the price-performance ratio? New New New New gray New gray
What do you think about the kitchen equipment? New New New New New
What is your opinion about the bathroom/bathrooms? New New New New New gray
What about the beds? New New New New New gray
Was it easy for you to find your holiday house? New New gray New gray New gray New gray
Have you had any problems in the house? NO
If so, who/what has helped you resolving them? New gray New gray New gray New gray New gray
Internet portal through which you booked? gut
Suggestions, proposals, requests:  Keine Hausnummer, Straße... Wir haben etwa eine Stunden um das haus herum gesucht. Vermieter war telefonisch nicht erreichbar, spricht nur Italienisch. Nachbarn haben uns geholfen. FeWo und große Terasse sonst sehr schön
Answer: molte grazie cercheremo di fare ancora meglio Die Vermieter sprechen deutsch und sind 12 Stunden pro Tag erreichbar. Es wird Ihnen gerne geholfen! Der Eigentümer spricht nur italienisch.